世界杯出局后 C罗完成转会 加盟尤文图斯 -

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世界杯出局后 C罗完成转会 加盟尤文图斯 -



  Cristiano Ronaldo is joining Juventus after the Italian club agreed a €100m fee for the Portugal forward with Real Madrid.


  Ronaldo is signing a four-year contract with an annual salary of around €30m. In Italy clubs have to pay the same amount in tax, which takes the total cost of the transfer to €340m (€100m transfer fee plus €240m in salary and taxes).


  “转会”可用“transfer”来表达。“转会”即“职业足球运动员转至另一足球俱乐部”。有时,依据上下文具体语境,“join”或者“sign (a contract)”也可表达“转会”之意,比如上面的两个例句就用了Cristiano Ronaldo is joining Juventus这个表达。

  此外,日常生活中,“转学”也可用“transfer”来表达,如:Some of these students have transferred elsewhere.(已有一些学生转学到别处了。)

  顺便提一下,在阅读有关“transfer”(转会)的文章时,我们还可经常看到词组“transfer window”,指国际足联所允许的"球员转会期"。国际足联夏季转会为期两个月,于欧洲当地时间7月1日正式启动,到8月31日午夜12点结束;冬季转会期为期一个月,于欧洲当地时间1月1日正式启动,到1月31日午夜12点结束。 Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo celebrates scoring their first goal against Morocco in a Group B match at Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow, Russia, June 2018. [Photo/Agencies]



  “I only have feelings of enormous gratitude for this club and for this city,” Ronaldo wrote in an open letter to Real fans. “I have had nine absolutely wonderful years at the club.


  “Real Madrid has conquered my heart, and that of my family, and that is why more than ever I want to say thank you: thank you to the club, the president, the directors, my colleagues, all the staff, doctors, physios and incredible people that make everything work.”


  He finished his letter by saying: “Thanks to everyone and, of course, as I said that first time in our stadium nine years ago: Hala Madrid!”



  “Real Madrid would like to express its gratitude to a player who has proved to be the best in the world and who has made this one of the most brilliant times in the history of our club.


  “Beyond the titles he won during these nine years at the club Cristiano Ronaldo has also been an example of dedication, work, responsibility, talent and constant improvement.”


  “For Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo will always be one of our greatest symbols and a unique reference for our next generations. Real Madrid will always be your home.”


  C罗2009年加盟皇马,在这期间,C罗出场了438场比赛,打入了451粒进球,是皇马史上最佳射手(Real’s record scorer)。他一共随球队获得了16座冠军奖杯,其中最为重要的是4次欧冠冠军(Champions League titles)。此外,C罗还获得了数不清的个人荣誉,在皇马期间他获得的最具影响力的荣誉莫过于4次国际足联金球奖(Ballons d’Or)和3次金靴奖(Golden Boots)。

  (中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
